22 research outputs found

    Analysing Repeat Visitation on Country Level with Passive Mobile Positioning Method: an Estonian Case Study

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the capabilities and limits of the passive mobile positioning (PMP) method in studying loyalty of tourists on the macro level. The repeat visitors were identified using database of call activities of roaming phones in Estonia since 25.04.2005 till 31.01.2009. For this purpose was developed model which selected repeat visits on the basis of time interval. The findings of the study revealed that it is possible to observe the duration, density, seasonality and dynamics of repeat visitations. In addition the local destinations and events most loved by repeat visitors and the trajectory they are using could be also identified. Another important finding revealed that repeat visitors stay longer in destination than first time visitors. The results presented in this paper could be used by Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and by Enterprise Estonia developing the Estonian tourism polic

    How Sexualised Images in Advertisements Influence the Attention and Preference of Consumers with a Modern View

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    This paper aims to determine how using sexualised images in advertisements influences the attention and preference of consumers with a modern attitude towards gender stereotypes. This research used a methodological approach based on eye tracking of the perception of advertising images – an eye-tracking study measured how the general attitudes towards gender roles mediate attention. A control question for attitudes towards gender stereotypes was used. The degree of preference for advertising was also examined in the study. The results show that sexual stimuli are not more eye-catching than non-sexual, as sexual advertisements do not capture attention faster and are not viewed for a longer time than non-sexual advertisements. The originality and value of the study lies in the fact that the article supports the right marketing decisions to overcome gender stereotypes in advertising, to avoid advertising errors associated with unjustified sexualisation and eroticisation of visual advertising images and models. It also suggests directions for future research on various aspects of gender stereotypes in advertising

    Korduvkülastajate segmenteerimine passiivse mobiil- positsioneerimise abil: kliendilojaalsusel põhinev käsitlus

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda empiiriliste uuringute osa.Dissertatsiooni eesmärgiks on luua raamistik korduvkülastajate segmenteerimiseks passiivse mobiilpositsioneerimise (PMP) andmeid kasutades. Korduvkülastajate segmenteerimine on aktuaalne ja tähtis seetõttu, et see aitab suurendada sihtkohaturunduse strateegiate tõhusust ja viib turismitööstuses uute toodete ja teenuste loomiseni, mis omakorda aitab kaasa kasvule turismitööstuses. Dissertatsiooni teoreetilises osas võrreldakse klientide lojaalsuse erinevaid käsitlusi ning luuakse uus integreeritud klientide lojaalsuse käsitlus. Samuti täpsustatakse sihtkohalojaalsuse olemust ja tuuakse välja erinevad võimalikud korduvkülastajate segmendid. Seejärel keskendutakse metoodikale, kus esmalt tuuakse välja erinevad karakteristikud, mille alusel saab klientide lojaalsust mõõta, seejärel tutvustatakse PMP meetodit ja tuuakse välja selle positiivsed küljed ja nõrgad kohad. Korduvkülastajate segmenteerimiseks pakutakse autori poolt välja otsene ja kaudne meetod. Dissertatsiooni empiiriline osa põhineb kolmel artiklil. Esimene artikkel uurib mõjutegureid, mis mõjutavad klientide liikumist erinevate lojaalsussegmentide vahel ja eesmärgiks on selgitada välja, kas klientide lojaalsuse alusel segmenteerimisel on üldse mõtet. Teise empiirilise uurimuse eesmärgiks on luua metoodika, kuidas eristada külastajate telefonikasutuse andmete alusel korduvkülastusi. Kolmandas artiklis testitakse dissertatsioonis välja pakutud raamistikku korduvkülastajate segmenteerimiseks. Selle raames on (käitumuslike) kõnetoimingute andmete alusel tehtud järeldusi külastajate külastusmotiivide kohta, mille kaudu on jõutud Eestit külastanud korduvkülastajate segmenteerimiseni.The aim of this dissertation is to create a framework for the segmentation of repeat visitors using passive mobile positioning (PMP) data. The topic is important and actual since the segmentation of repeat visitors should improve the effectiveness of destination marketing strategies and lead to the creation of new products and services facilitating the growth of the tourism industry. The building of the framework starts from the theoretical part of the phenomena. As the repeat visitation is a behavioural expression of destination loyalty which, in principle, is a sort of customer loyalty, first the concepts of customer loyalty and destination loyalty are specified. The author of this dissertation proposes new definitions, which are more flexible and allow distinguishing between different types of loyalty. Also the concept of the “visitors” used in former literature of destination loyalty is broadened and the concept of destination is specified. Then a methodological side of the segmentation process is placed under consideration. The a-priori descriptive method is used and direct and indirect methods for segmentation are proposed by the author. The criteria of segmentation are proposed based on different measures of loyalty while considering the limits and capabilities of PMP. This dissertation consists of three empirical studies. The first study shows that the impact of the different factors affecting loyalty is dependant on the level of loyalty of the customers and therefore the detection and differentiation of different loyalty segments is important. The second empirical study introduces the possibilities offered by passive mobile positioning. The main objective of this study is to work out the algorithm for the detection of repeat visits. In the third empirical study the testing of the proposed framework for the segmentation of repeat visitors using PMP data is accomplished. Different characteristics are used for the direct or indirect detection of repeat visitors’ segments. The distribution of visitors to Estonia in the loyalty segments is identified

    The ability of turism events to generate destination loyalty towards the country: an Estonian case study. Turismiürituste võime genereerida sihtkohalojaalsust riigi suhtes: Eesti juhtum

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    Globaliseerumise taustal on riigid ja kohad üha rohkem hakanud omavahel konkureerima. Konkureeritakse nii välisinvesteeringute, külastajate, ettevõtete asukoha kui ka kohalike elanike pärast. (Kotler et al. 1999) Mida liikuvamad on kapital, inimesed ja ettevõtted, seda rohkem peavad kohad muutma end atraktiivseks. Selle tõttu on eraldi turunduse suunana välja kujunenud kohaturundus (place marketing). Kohaturunduse ühte osa, mis tegeleb turistide sihtgrupiga, nimetatakse sihtkohaturunduseks (destination marketing). Ürituste korraldamine on üks võimalus sihtkohaturunduse viljelemiseks. Väga palju on uuritud suurürituste mõju sihtriigi imagole ja inimeste teadlikkuse tõusule sihtriigi suhtes. Palju vähem on aga tähelepanu pööratud ürituste võimele genereerida korduvkülastusi. Seetõttu on üsna tavaline, et riigi tasemel toetatakse suurüritusi, mis tekitavad maailmas kära, samas, kui võib-olla mõistlikum oleks toetada hoopis väiksemate ja keskmise suurusega ürituste korraldamist, mis genereeriks riigile lojaalseid külastajaid. Just sellele valdkonnale selle artikli raames keskendutaks

    Analysing Repeat Visitation on Country Level with Passive Mobile Positioning Method: an Estonian Case Study

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the capabilities and limits of the passive mobile positioning (PMP) method in studying loyalty of tourists on the macro level. The repeat visitors were identified using database of call activities of roaming phones in Estonia since 25.04.2005 till 31.01.2009. For this purpose was developed model which selected repeat visits on the basis of time interval. The findings of the study revealed that it is possible to observe the duration, density, seasonality and dynamics of repeat visitations. In addition the local destinations and events most loved by repeat visitors and the trajectory they are using could be also identified. Another important finding revealed that repeat visitors stay longer in destination than first time visitors. The results presented in this paper could be used by Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and by Enterprise Estonia developing the Estonian tourism polic

    The ability of turism events to generate destination loyalty towards the country: an Estonian case study. Turismiürituste võime genereerida sihtkohalojaalsust riigi suhtes: Eesti juhtum

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    Globaliseerumise taustal on riigid ja kohad üha rohkem hakanud omavahel konkureerima. Konkureeritakse nii välisinvesteeringute, külastajate, ettevõtete asukoha kui ka kohalike elanike pärast. (Kotler et al. 1999) Mida liikuvamad on kapital, inimesed ja ettevõtted, seda rohkem peavad kohad muutma end atraktiivseks. Selle tõttu on eraldi turunduse suunana välja kujunenud kohaturundus (place marketing). Kohaturunduse ühte osa, mis tegeleb turistide sihtgrupiga, nimetatakse sihtkohaturunduseks (destination marketing). Ürituste korraldamine on üks võimalus sihtkohaturunduse viljelemiseks. Väga palju on uuritud suurürituste mõju sihtriigi imagole ja inimeste teadlikkuse tõusule sihtriigi suhtes. Palju vähem on aga tähelepanu pööratud ürituste võimele genereerida korduvkülastusi. Seetõttu on üsna tavaline, et riigi tasemel toetatakse suurüritusi, mis tekitavad maailmas kära, samas, kui võib-olla mõistlikum oleks toetada hoopis väiksemate ja keskmise suurusega ürituste korraldamist, mis genereeriks riigile lojaalseid külastajaid. Just sellele valdkonnale selle artikli raames keskendutaks

    High temperature behavior of NiO-based oxygen carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion

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    AbstractHigh temperature behavior of spray-dried NiO-based oxygen carrier samples for Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) under oxidizing and reducing conditions was studied using a ceramic fluidized bed furnace. Differently from the common CLC process, high enough temperatures were obtained by burning air and methane mixture directly in the bed of carriers, changing the stoichiometric air to fuel ratio in the range of 0.70 to 1.30 and using external electric heating.None of the five particle samples tested showed any sign of defluidization in oxidizing atmosphere at any of the temperatures tested, i.e. up to 1175–1185 ∘C. However, under reducing conditions or in the oxidizing-reducing sequences, shortly after changing the atmosphere from oxidative to reducing, some of the spray-dried samples agglomerated causing defluidization. To study the structure of the carrier particles and to clarify the agglomeration phenomena, SEM and EDX analysis of the initial and treated samples was carried out. It was shown that agglomerates are formed through small bridges between the particles which consist of pure Ni phase. Three samples which were produced using MgO as an additive were tested. For these no defluidization was observed at any of the temperatures tested, i.e. up to 1175–1185 ∘C, neither in oxidizing, nor in reducing atmosphere. So, addition of proper components to the carrier particles can significantly improve reliability of the CLC process at higher temperatures